2023 Summer Fayre

Thank you to everyone who supported us on Saturday 24th June at our Summer Fayre under the Clock Tower.
Showcasing some of our premium and local producers, we offered tasters as well as being able to buy any of the products from the Shop on the day.
Well had special offers from New Hall Wines, Simpsons Wine and Hallgarton and Novum Wines as part of our regular Wines of the Month, celebrating English Wine Week and more. And juices from Meadow Lodge Farm and new flavours from The Saffron Ice Cream Company.
We were also delighted to present Sour Dough and Speciality breads and tarts from our new supplier, Hambleton Bakery in Rutland. Plus Olive Oil from Cambridge-based Olive Olive, and speciality cheeses from Clemency Hall.
Villagers and Visitors also enjoyed East Anglian “nostalgic flavour” crisps Savoursmiths.
We’re delighted to report this was one of our best every Fayres! See you next time.