Membership Strategy

The Membership Strategy has recently been reviewed by the Committee and is posted in the Members Area of this website.
The Committee believes that it is important to have an active and engaged Membership and therefore our aim is to retain and attract as many Members as possible from our Community.
We hope to retain and encourage our existing members to become more active, through regular and transparent communication and responding to feedback. We have an excellent opportunity for Members to participate as we start to implement our new three year strategy, and it is encouraging that we are seeing an increase in volunteering. There are many more opportunities to volunteer and use your skills to help the shop and support your community.
In any organisation, there is attrition of the membership year on year. This is inevitably as people move away or sadly die. It is also important to note that as our Membership ages we need to attract younger people if we are to be in tune with our changing demographic – something that is essential for the long term sustainability of the shop. Therefore encouraging new Members will always be important.
We aim to achieve our aims by:
- Our rolling share offer which allows people to purchase shares throughout the year
- Fayres and events where those new to the village will have an opportunity to engage with Committee Members and volunteers
- Distributing Welcome packs for new residents moving to the parish
If you wish to get involved with any initiative please contact the Committee.